Respite Care

Hamilton Mill Home Care Services Respite caregivers

At Hamilton Mill Home Care Services, respite caregiver provides a break for primary caregivers of people who need continuous care or monitoring. These primary caregivers usually are family members, who can be stressed and exhausted from trying to deal with work, home responsibilities and the disabled person as well. Hamilton Mill Home Care Services understand that, when caring for someone full-time, it’s important to take time off to rest. This is where respite caregivers take over. A respite caregiver emotionally supports the primary caregiver by providing these people with some time away from their constant duties.

Helps Physically

Whether taking care of someone elderly or a child with physical disabilities, a respite caregiver helps with a patient’s physical needs. Stroke patients need help bathing and grooming; a child in an accident might need help learning to walk again; and feeding assistance is given to people who cannot see. It’s often difficult for a caregiver to lift a patient, so it’s important that caregivers be physically strong.

Drives and Assists

A respite caregiver helps with driving, such as taking the patient to a doctor’s appointment, picking up prescriptions or grocery shopping. In addition, he assists with meal preparation and light housekeeping duties, such as vacuuming, tidying up and washing linens and clothes.

Follows Checklists

A respite caregiver is responsible for following directions. The proper dose of medication needs to be dispensed to the patient, and the caregiver keeps a list of medications and necessary therapies. Because a respite caregiver is temporary, she must have all necessary information written down, such as what the patient is allergic to, how often he should visit the restroom and orders for resuscitation. Detailed notes should be kept so the person in charge can make sure the caregiver is doing everything correctly.